Strange Hill Wiki
Strange hill high bocky disguise

Becky (right) with Bocky in a disguise

Rebecca “Becky” Marlene Butters is a main protagonist in the show. She has pink hair, a yellow hat, green glasses, two sticking out teeth, a blue jacket and a blue blue peter badge. She is voiced by Emma Kennedy.

One of Becky's front teeth is false, after the Tooth Fairy stole one early in the series.


Becky's only friends are Mitchell and Templeton as she is considered a nerd by everyone else. In ' 99 cool things to do with a time machine ' Becky falls out with Mitchell Tanner for trying to steal the test scores but quickly makes up with him when Abercrombie catches them. Becky is revealed to like insecure boys like Peter Dustpan in ' The lost and found boy '. Becky was the main character in ' Snoozicle ' when it was revealed that she was a great singer when water was poured on her. She also was very wise and brave in this episode. Amazingly, in ' Big mouth strikes again ' Becky revealed that she couldn't resist sugary, sweet stuff and that she doesn't have a sister (so she could be an only child like Mitchell). In ' The ghost writers of Strange Hill High ' Becky was making charitable ethnic hats for those who are not fortunate enough to have hats. She seems very caring in this episode. In ' Lucky Becky ' Becky becomes extremely attached to the rabbit suit and can't believe it's evil. In ' Becky VS Bocky' she reveals she has strong debating skills and she believes that there is a monster inside her.In the end of terminator, she is untrustworthy of C.A.T.E In ' The curse of the Were-Teacher ' a career assesment says she would be a good voice over actress.she is a bit of a nerd!

She also has her own game called Becky's Blitz.


Becky is one of the more moral characters in the school, a voice of reason to Mitchell's dismissive attitude and quicker to sympathize with others (and even some of the monsters). She remains far from perfect, and is seen as unpopular or annoying by students and faculty, especially when she becomes outspoken about issues like recycling or safety around the school. She is an overachiever in her classes, and cares immensely about what people think about her (primarily through her grades). This can make her desperate for others' approval, easily goaded into doing things she'd refuse to do on her own.
She is a recovering chocoholic and finds most small things adorable, including frogs, plants, and tarantulas.


E1S1 - King Mitchell

E2S1 - 101 cool things to do with a time machine

E3S1 - The lost and found boy

E4S1 - Snoozicle

E5S1 - Big mouth strikes again

E6S1 - The most boring book in the world

E7S1 - Read all about it

E8S1 - Health and safety

E9S1 - The ghost writers of Strange Hill High

E10S1 - Teacher's Pets

E11S1 - Lucky Becky

E12S1 - Becky VS Bocky

E13S1 - End of Terminator

E3S2 - The 101% Solution
