C.A.T.E teaching a class in an evil fashion.
C.A.T.E was a kind and hi-tech robot who turned out to be evil.
When the school technology was replaced with hi-tech stuff C.A.T.E replaced N.I.M.R.O.D.She seemed nice at first but the gang discovered she was brainwashing everyone in the new language lab. Mitchell then got N.I.M.R.O.D to help them battle C.A.T.E. In the fight everyone reverted back to there normal states. Mitchell, riding on N.I.M.R.O.D then squashed terminator However, at the end C.A.T.E's voice comes from vendceiny and gives Templeton a heart shaped chocolate.
E13S1 - End of Terminator
E7S2 - Mitchell who? (cameo)