Strange Hill Wiki
King Mitchell
Air Date Wed 8th May 2013
Written by Mark Oswin and James Griffiths
Series Series one
Next Episode 99 cool things to do with a time machine
Strange hill high king mitchell scene

Mitchell saving Sir Bogovier.

King Mitchell is the first episode of Strange Hill High.


The episode begins in the school toilets. Mitchell Tanner tries to explain to Templeton that he's not on a reality TV show, with no luck. Mitchell shows Becky Butters a wooden skateboard which he made for his woodwork project. Mitchell skates down the hallway where he runs into Tyson Grimm] . Tyson makes Becky give him her wooden sweater.

Mitchell whacks Tyson with the sweater and Tyson falls onto the skateboard which rolls into the toilet and breaks the wall. Mitchell breaks away the wall and discovers a secret arthurian chamber with a gold toilet inside. He walks in and finds a small, round table which he wants to use as his new woodwork project. Mitchell walks out of the toilet and finds Mr Abercrombie. He questions Mitchell about the table. When Mitchell states that he is it's one true owner inside the secret chamber Sir Bogivere the knight appears. He leaves, Mitchell sees Bogivere. Bogivere bows to Mitchell and calls Mitchell the king because he is ' the owner of the round table '. Mitchell gets Bogivere to do lots of stuff for him like frightening the bullies into the secret chamber. Abercrombie threatens Mitchell to do his homework which leads Bogivere to want to slay Abercrombie. Before he can, though, Becky tells him that Mitchell's not the king.

In the chamber the bullies are attacked by he who cannot be flushed. Bogivere confronts Mitchell in the toilet and challenges him to a rock, paper, scissors battle for Becky. During the match he who cannot be flushed comes and starts to take Becky and Bogivere. Bogivere wins the match just as he is grabbed by the beast. Mitchell gets the Excalibur which nobody else could get off the shelf. He uses it as a sword and saves everybody. At that moment, Abercrombie who was being distracted by Templeton, comes in and sees the room sparkling as Mitchell used the cleaning liquid on the room. Bogivere lets Mitchell have Becky as only a king could use excalibur. He then goes back into the chamber to protect the school from he who cannot be flushed.       


- This is a parody of King Arthur and the round table

- Mitchell saving Becky is like the traitional knight saves princess stereotype 

- Nimrod says he needs a vacation
