- 99 cool things to do with a time machine
- Becky
- Becky's Blitz
- Becky Butters
- Becky VS Bocky
- Beware Bear
- Big Templeton is watching you
- Big mouth strikes again
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- He who cannot be flushed
- Health and Safety
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- Invasion of the Templetons
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- Ken Kong ( Episode )
- King Mitchell
- Little school of horrors
- Lucas Montgomery
- Lucky Becky
- Lucus Montgomery
- Mathews
- Miss. Grackle
- Miss Grimshaw
- Miss Joy
- Mitchell
- Mitchell Tanner
- Mitchell Who?
- Mitchell junior
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- Mr. Tanner
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- Mr balding
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- Teachers' pets
- Templeton
- The 101% Solution
- The Cook
- The Embarassment
- The Grackle
- The School Cat
- The School Run
- The System
- The Twins
- The curse of the Were-Teacher
- The end of Terminator
- The ghost writers of Strange Hill High
- The lost and found boy
- The most boring book in the world
- Toadacrombie
- Tooth fairy
- Toys
- Tyson Grimm