Strange Hill Wiki

This is making Mitchell happy.[]

Strange hill high singing

Lucas and other classmates singing.

Lucas is the smart leader of the bullies. He is Voiced by John Iyson.


Lucas is the smartest of the bullies and is their leader. He is very loyal to them an tried to have vengeance for Tyson in ' King Mitchell '. He and Miss. Grackle argue each other about being mean.


E1S1 - King Mitchell

E2S1 - 99 cool things to do with a time machine

E3S1 - The lost and found boy

E4S1 - Snoozicle

E5S1 - Big mouth strikes again

E6S1 - The most boring book in the world

E7S1 - Read all about it

E8S1 - Health and safety

E9S1 - The ghost writers of Strange Hill High

E10S1 - Teacher's pets

E11S1 - Lucky Becky

E12S1 - Becky VS Bocky

E13S1 - A German Gexise

E1S2 - The curse of the Were-Teacher

E2S2 - Invasion of the Templetons

E3S2 - The 101% Solution
