Mitchell is arguably the main protagonist in the series. He is a quick witted boy with black hair and he always wears a red jumper that has a big zip on it. He is voiced by Ben Bailey Smith.

Mitchell hanging of the schools clock.
At some point before the first series Mitchell came to Strange Hill and met Becky Butters and Templeton. He is a single child and his dad is called Tony Tanner but his mother's name is unknown at this time. His main nemesis is Mr. Abercrombie the head teacher. In King Mitchell, it is revealed that Mitchell was a bit of a troublemaker (and still is). However, he also turned out be a hero as he was the only one who could draw the excalibur cleaning liquid off the "caked on" muck and frighten away the beast of embarresment. In ' The lost and found boy ' everyone expects that Mitchell is secretely bad except Becky and Templeton because people's stuff was going missing. In ' Snoozicle ' although Becky was the main protagonist, Mitchell did turn out be quite clever at the end. He even worked out how to defeat The Grackle and make Becky sing. In ' The most boring book in the world ' Mitchell was shown to be rather distractable as he looked at fun books instead of doing the stuff he needed to do(save his friends). In ' Read all about it ' it was revealed that he liked the rapper "MC Bonebag". In ' Lucky Becky ' Mitchell really desired being on tv. Amazingly, in " The end of Terminator ' Mitchell is untrustworthy of Kate the robot before anybody else is and he says something nice to a teacher for the first time! In ' The curse of the Were-Teacher ' in a career assesment Mitchell got "teacher", as the job he was best suited for. For a maths test in ' The 101% solution ' Mitchell decides to cheat by using somebody elses test (a boy in the 1950's called Ian Gatlurn who got 101%, hence the name).
E1S1 - King Mitchell
E2S1 - 99 cool things to do with a time machine
E3S1 - The lost and found boy
E4S1 - Snoozicle
E5S1 - Big mouth strikes again
E6S1 - The most boring book in the world
E7S1 - Read all about it
E8S1 - Health and Safety
E9S1 - The ghost writers of Strange Hill High
E10S1 - Teachers' Pets
E11S1 - Lucky Becky
E12S1 - Becky VS Bocky
E13S1 - The end of Terminator
E1S2 - The curse of the Were-Teacher
E2S2 - Invasion of the Templetons
E3S2 - The 101% Solution
E4S2 - The Mitchell Templetons