Strange Hill Wiki

"I need a vacation" "Tanner, are you eating in my class?" "Why am I on my coffee break anyway? I don't drink coffee!"

N.I.M.R.O.D is a robotic maths teacher who was designed for the cold war.

Strange hill high nimrod and bogivere

N.I.M.R.O.D being harrased by Sir Bogivier Genrel information Gender: male


Nimrod is a sassy, sarcastic, robot, who often makes cheeky remarks towards the students, such as when he asked all the students “please have your homework or a believable excuse ready”, before proceeding to ask Mitchell what his excuse was for the day. However, despite his generally sassy demeanour, Nimrod has shown that he is ultimately on the students’ side, such as when he willingly chose to help the students defeat CATE, when she revealed herself to be evil.


S1E1 king Mitchell - full appearance

S1E10 Teachers' pets-full appearance

S1E13 The end of Terminator-full appearance

S2E1 The curse of the Were-Teacher-cameo

S2E3 The 101% Solution-full appearance

S2E4 little school of horrors-full appearance

S2E7 Mitchell Who?-full appearance-drinking coffee LOL

S2E8 innercrombie Full appearance

S2E10 Mitchell junior full appearance

S2E11 The MCDXX men full appearance

S2E13 A strange hill christmas full appearance
